Their research reveals that, while most investment in IT
failed to deliver expected value,CEOs still haven't properly understood their own role in effecting the realization of benefits even when they see IT as core to their 'real' business.
Organisations with CEOs who do 'get it' generate superior returns from their IT investments.Those that don't, after rounding up the usual suspects, go on to keep repeating the same mistakes.
Indeed most CEOs have no idea about what is going on and what to do about it; they just want someone to sort out their IT. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is sometimes empowered - whatever that means - to get on with it, but they can only change what they can control; and that is the delivery of IT not how IT will be used - that is properly the responsibility of business managers.
One unsurprising finding is that executives at all levels are unsure what a CIO is and what to expect of them. What is astounding is that 64% of CIO's have a significantly different perception than the CEO and their CxO colleagues of the CIO role.
The article lists a number of principles of value creation (Box 1), that are all important, but I would add one more, that I believe to be the most critical:
Until CEOs understand the need and accept accountability for clearly articulating the roles, authorities and accountabilities of their managers for business appropriate supply and use of IT and the realization of benefits, it ain't gonna happen.The article usefully restates how to go about applying these principles. It is not as intimidating as it seems: the CIO can be accountable for facilitating the process so long as it is recognized they do not have the authority nor accountability to lock in the changes needed in the system of business to bring about the expected outcomes. Only a role with overall authority and accountability across the business - the CEO or maybe the COO - can do this and hold managers accountable.
Update 2/8/12:
Broken link changed to now refer to an original blog post by Prof. Peppard; this contains instructions for accessing the article.
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